
Cycle-Slip Detection and Correction Algorithm for Real-Time PPP

  • 摘要: 提出了一种适用于实时GPS精密单点定位的周跳探测与修复的新算法。该算法步骤为:①利用M-W组合和电离层残差组合初步确定没有发生周跳和可能发生周跳的卫星;②利用当前历元与前一(或几个)历元的L1、L2和Lw观测值和第一步得出的没有发生周跳的卫星信息,采用基于历元间差分观测值的周跳处理模型对可能发生周跳的卫星进行周跳探测;③对第二步中周跳处理失败的卫星进行进一步的精化处理,以尽可能修复周跳。实验表明,新算法在实时GPS精密单点定位中可以准确地探测并修复周跳。


    Abstract: A cycle-slip detection and correction algorithm suitable for real-time precise point positioning(PPP) was proposed.There are three main steps in the algorithm: ① Possible cycle-slip affected satellites and cycle-slip free satellites were determined using M-W and ionosphere residual observation combination;② Cycle slip detection and correction was conducted for possible cycle-slip affected satellites using cycle-slip free satellites information and observations of current epoch and previous one or several epoch(s),based on the new developed epoch-differenced cycle slip detection model;③ Refinement process for cycle slip detection failed satellites to try to repair cycle slip.The experimental results show that the new algorithm can detect and repair cycle slip correctly and efficiently in real time PPP.


