Multipath Performance Analysis for Navigation Signals in Different Pro-correlation Bandwidth and Correlator Spacing
摘要: 采用窄相关技术和双△相关技术,对BPSK1)信号和BOC1,1)信号在不同预相关带宽和不同相关器间隔时的平均加权多径误差包络进行了仿真,提取了多径误差典型值。结果表明,随着相关器间隔的减小,多径误差逐渐减小,但当相关器间隔为0.1个码片时,多径误差的减小已不明显;多径误差并不是随着预相关带宽的增大一直减小,而是有一个最小值。Abstract: In this paper,using narrow correlation and double delta correlation techniques,the running average of weighted multipath error envelope of BPSK1) and BOC1,1) is simulated in different pre-correlation bandwidth and correlator spacing.The result shows that multipath performance becomes better when correlator spacing decreases,but it's not obvious when correlator spacing is 0.1 chip,and there is a least multipath error when pre-correlation bandwidth increases.