Surface Deformation of Mt.Etna,Italy from PSInSAR
摘要: 利用2003~2010年升轨、降轨ASAR数据对意大利Etna火山的地表形变进行PSInSAR处理,获取了该火山区域的高精度形变速率场,在此基础上,对部分特征区域点位进行时序分析。结果显示,Etna火山的东部区域的形变量变化大,LOS方向形变速率约为7~12 mm/a,西部区域变化较小,LOS方向形变速率仅为1~3 mm/a;火山东南和南侧存在两个较大垂直形变区域,其垂直形变速率分别为-4 mm/a和12mm/a。目前,Etna火山东南侧区域地表形变起伏较大,位于东南区域下的火山源岩浆活动活跃、岩浆体积处于补充期。Abstract: In order to study the surface deformation of Etna Volcano,the StaMPS software is used to process the descending and ascending ASAR data,which were acquired between 2003 and 2010 respectively at Mt.Etna with PSInSAR method.And to obtain a deformation rate field with high-precision in the volcanic region,some feature points are extracted for the time series analysis.The results show that the average deformation rate in LOS(line of sight) direction is 7~12 mm/a for eastern part and 1~3 mm/a for western part in Etna volcano area.In the southeast and south of the volcano there are a large settlement and an uplift region,where the vertical deformation rate are-4 mm/a and 12 mm/a respectively.The result indicates that the surface deformation in the southeast and south of the volcano region is largely,the magma in the southeast and south of the volcano region is very actively and the volume of magma in Etna volcanic is in a growth phase.