Interactive Cartographic Drawing and SVG Map Documents Generating
摘要: 针对当前地图网络传输和地图网络制图的发展态势,开展了地图符号系统数据结构方面的研究,描述了绘图系统的类层次结构,建立了简单的交互式地图绘制系统;探讨了地图符号的串行化和反串行化问题,并针对SVG的特性及语法,研究了SVG格式地图文档的生成。Abstract: With a view to development trend of network transmission of maps and cartographic drawing on Web,we study the data structure of map symbol system and class hierarchy of cartography system,programming on a simple interactive cartographic drawing system,serializing and anti-serializing of map symbols and generating SVG map documents based on SVG features and grammar.