
Re-approaching the Geodetic Coordinate System

  • 摘要: 论述了有关大地坐标系的几个问题,它们大都与国家大地坐标系有关;为了坐标系的维持与应用,提出2000中国大地坐标系应由至少2 000个国家级GNSS连续运行站和若干GNSS复测站的坐标和速度实现;认为大地参考架的更新周期取决于参考架的实现精度与具体应用的要求。为满足1∶1 000比例尺测图的需要,大地参考架的更新周期大约为30 a。同时还对“动态大地基准”的说法进行了评说。


    Abstract: This paper deals with some issues of the geodetic coordinate system,of which most are related to the national geodetic coordinate system.It is proposed that China geodetic coordinate system 2000 should be realized by coordinates and velocities of at least 2000 national level GNSS continuously operational stations and a certain amount of revisited GNSS stations for its maintenance and applications.It is identified that the updated period of a geodetic coordinate frame depends on the accuracy of its realization and the demands of the application concerned.Considering the requirements of 1∶1 000 scale mapping being to be met,the update period of the frame should be about 30 years.


