
Atmospheric Correction over Coastal Turbid Waters Based on Space-borne LiDAR Aerosol Data

  • 摘要: 提出了一种星载激光雷达CALIOP气溶胶数据辅助的MODIS/Aqua水色数据大气校正方法,并在长江口及其邻近浑浊水体区域进行了实验。通过与实测光谱数据的对比分析说明,本文方法能在一定程度上避免如近红外波段离水辐亮度为零的假设的不合理性,摆脱对实测数据的依赖,有效地反演离水辐亮度,修复SeaDAS软件中短波红外-近红外联合大气校正算法中短波红外波段引起的产品的条带问题。


    Abstract: An atmospheric correction method based on space-borne LiDAR(CALIOP) aerosol data is proposed.This method is tested on the Yangtze River Estuary and its adjacent turbid waters.By comparising with in-situ spectral data,we can draw a conclusion that the method is effective to avoid the restriction of in-situ data and the unreasonable hypothesis.With this method,we can successfully retrieve the water-leaving radiance and recover the stripes in the SeaDAS standard atmospheric correction products caused by short wave infrared(SWIR) band at 1 640 nm.


