
Research on Link Dynamics of a Vehicular Ad Hoc Network in Urban Environments

  • 摘要: 基于Manhattan模型,分析了城市环境中影响车用自组网车辆节点运动的因素,包括交通灯和驾驶员的驾驶行为,推导了计算城市环境中VANETs链路生存时间期望的数学表达式,分析了交通灯和驾驶员驾驶行为对链路生存时间期望的影响,并通过仿真实验验证了理论计算的正确性。


    Abstract: Link dynamics of vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have great difference with that of the traditional mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) due to the impact of simulation scenarios. Based on Manhattan mobility model, the influence factors of vehicular nodes in urban environments are analyzed, including traffic light and drivers’ behavior. Analytical expression of expected link lifetime is derived. The impact of traffic light and drivers’ behavior to the expected link lifetime is analyzed. The simulation results verified the accuracy of the analytical results.


