
Application of Four-component Scattering Model in Speckle Filtering of Polarimetric SAR Data

  • 摘要: 在分析四分量极化散射理论基础上,提出了一种新的极化SAR数据相干斑滤波算法。该算法首先应用四分量散射模型对原始极化SAR数据进行分解,以获得像素的散射类型和总功率值;然后采用极化特征和空间特征的相似性度量,在滤波窗口内选取中心像素的同质区;最后根据同质区的局部统计特性,应用线性最小均方滤波器进行滤波处理。AIRSAR系统L波段极化SAR数据的实验结果表明,该算法不仅可有效抑制相干斑,而且对极化和边缘等细节信息也有较好的保持。


    Abstract: A new speckle filtering algorithm based on four-component scattering model was proposed in this paper.Firstly,the four-component decomposition was applied to get scattering category and span value of each pixel.Secondly,polarimetric and spatial similarity measurement was utilized to select honogeneous area.Finally,the LMS filteing was performed based on local statistical properties of homogeneous area.Experimental results using L-band fully polarimetric SAR data acquired by AIRSAR sensor show that the proposed algorithm not only filters speckle effectively but also preserves polarimetric and spatial information well.


