
On the Working Mode of the Compensating Function of an Automatic Level

  • 摘要: 本文提出了自动安平水准议补偿作用工作模式的概念;研究了几种典型的实际工作模式通过等效变换而成为基本工作模式的方法。分析了Ni-007及Ni-1二个型号自动安平水准仪的实例,导出了上述仪器总补偿量的计算公式及实现自动安平的几何条件。


    Abstract: In this paper a new concept of working mode of the compensating function of an automatic level is introduced.After having investigated several kinds of typical and actual working mode,the author got a method of converting the above actual working mode into a fundamental one by an equivalent transformation.Through analysing two types of automatic levels Ni-007 and Ni-1,the author derived a formula respectively for computing the total amount of compensation and the geometrical condition of realizing the automatic levelling.


