
On the Dynamic Adjustment of Repeating Levelling Nets Covering a Vast Area

  • 摘要: 为了解决大规模复测水准网的动态平差问题,本文拟定了若干平差方案。通过实例计算,根据平差后高差和速率的平均误差、计算的收敛速度等,对各种平差方案进行了分析和比较,从而提出适合于我国情况的严密平差方法——"速率高差逐次平差法"由于参加平差的高差可能是采用不同等级的观测成果,因此,本文着重计论了平差时如何合理定权的问题,提出了有关定权的建议。此外,根据实例计算的结果,讨论了有关中心年代的选取以及观测路线的取舍等问题。为了计算某些点平差后速率的中误差,本文还给出了评定平差后速率值的权倒数公式。


    Abstract: In order to solve the problem of dynamic adjustment of repeating leveling nets covering a vast area,several adjustment programmes are suggested,By way of calculating examples,these programmes are analyzed and compared in respect to the average error of adjusted differences of heights and velocity values,as well as the efficiencies of convergence of calculation,In this way,a rigorous method——the progressive approximation adjustment of the velocity value and the difference of heights——is suggested,which may suit well the condition of our country.Since the difference of heights used in the adjustment may come from the levellings of different orders,the question,of reasonable weighting of observations is thus emphatically discussed,and a method of weight determination is proposed.Besides,according to the result of the calculating example,a discussion is made about how to determine the mean year of the different observation periods and how to choose the leveling lines.A formula of weight reciprocal of the adjusted velocity value is also given in order to calculate the mean error of the adjusted velocity value of some bench marks.


