
On the Mode of Weighting in Levelling Nets Adjustment

  • 摘要: 本文试从理论上和实践上证明,目前广泛采用的水准网平差的取权方法是很不恰当的,加多了工作量,反而降低了平差的质量。本文首先从水准测量的误差机理出发,导出了计算每公里偶然中误差η的严密公式,从而进一步利用一些重复的资料,对每公里系统误差σ的特性进行了分析。由于σ在目前的一般水准测量作业中还是不能确定的,所以研究j在各种不同情况下略去σ定权,对平差质量所产生的影响。用各种取权方式试算的结果说明,按目前习用的方式取权,结果最差。文中提出了较好的取权方法。


    Abstract: This paper tries to prove theoretically and practically that the current widely used mode of weighting in levelling nets adjustment is quite inappropriate.It requires more work done and reduces the efficiency of adjustment on the contrary.Basing on the mechanism of errors in levelling.a rigorous first derived for calculating the mean accidental error per kilometer η.And thence by the help of data of several repeating levellings,an analys is further made for the characteristic of the mean systematic error per kilometer σ.As σ is practically yet undeterminahle for the cuent levelling practice,cases of different modes of weighting with σ neglected are studied.The effect of these approximations of weighting on the efficiency of final adjustment is estimated and tested in actual examples.The result reveals that the currently used mode of weighting is the worst.Better ones are suggested.


