
On the Pre-Processing of Doppler Satellite Data

  • 摘要: 在卫星多普勒定位工作中,数据预处理是必不可少的工作之一。本文以多数判决数据为讨论对象,论述了数据预处理的数学方法。其内容包括卫星电文解码,轨道拟合,卫星坐标、高度角、卫站距的计算以及多普勒计数的改正等。文中对一些重要公式与限差标准作了简单的推导与证明。在确定卫星运行方向等问题上也提出了新的看法。


    Abstract: Pre-processing of data is one of the essential works for Doppler satellite positioning.In this paper,in which the MIV data are regarded as an object of study,the followings mathematical methods,of pre-processing are dealt with,namely the decoding of the satellite messages,the fitting of the satellite orbit,the calculation of the satellite coordinates and elevation,the distance between the satellite and station,and the correction of the Doppler counts,etc.Also,some important formulas and criterions of the error limits are derived or proved with simple methods and some new conceptions such as the determination of direction of the satellite motion are discussed.


