
Test of Weights of Direction Obsevations of Different Classes in Chinese Astrogeodetic Nets

  • 摘要: 为了检验和评定我国天文大地网各类方向观测值之权的合理性和正确性,本文给出了两种方法:1、由赫尔默特的简化计算公式,以估算各类方向观测值的方差和它们的权的最佳估值;2、在一定精度要求下求定各类方向观测值的权的选取范围。通过计算和分析,我们认为:我国天文大地网平差时给出的各类方向观测值的权Pi是较为合理的。


    Abstract: In order to test and evaluate correctness and reasonableness the weights,which obtained from direction observations of different classes in astrogeodetic nets of our country,two methods are given;1、Using Helmert's simplified calculated formula,the estimation of variance  of observed directions and the best estimated value  are made;2、The weight intervals of direction obscrvations of different classes are determined under certain requirement of precision.Through calculation and analysis,we recognized that the weights of direction observations of different classes,which used in astrogeodetic network adjustment,are more appropriate and reasonable.


