Design and Adjustment of Tunnei Surveying
摘要: 本文对隧道洞外、洞内控制网设计的一般法则进行了简略的论述,采用S-变换通过模拟数据计算验证了这些法则。应用两期变形测量原理将数理统计检验方法用于隧道测量。指出在隧道设计和施工阶段的测量和平差方法。Abstract: In this paper the general principles for the design of above-and underground tunnel control net heve been discussed.By means of S-transformation and Calculation of simulated dates these Principles are verified and checked.The stastics test method is applied to the tunnel surveying by using the theory of two epoches deformationsanalysis.The method of measurement and adjustment in designs and driving stages of a tunnel is also dealt with.