
On Spatial Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (SDMKD)

  • 摘要: 随着现代科技和传感器的发展和应用,复杂多变的空间数据日益膨胀,远远超出了人的解译能力,迫切需要数据挖掘和知识发现为其提供知识。本文研究了空间数据挖掘和知识发现的含义、可发现的空间的关联、特征、分类和聚类等知识,以及它与数据挖掘和知识发现、机器学习、地学数据分析、空间数据库、空间数据仓库、数字地球等相关学科的关系,概述了SDMKD的产生和发展,分析和展望了SDMKD的应用开发


    Abstract: With the application and development of modern science,techniques,micro-and macro-sensors,the tremendous amounts of spatial and nonspatial data have been stored in large spatial databases.These are far begond the human ability to interprete and analyse them,which is badly in need of SDMKD to provide knowledges.This paper presents an overview on SDMKD.First the derivation and development of SDMKD are briefly stated.Second,the concept of SDMKD is discussed.There are various knowledge which can be mined from spatial databases or spatial data warehouse,e.g.spatial association rules,spatial characteristic patterns,spatial classification regularities,spatial clustering rules.Third,SDMDK is told from data mining and knowledge discovery (DMKD),machine learning,geographical data analysis,spatial databases,spatial data warehouse,digital earth,etc.Finally,how to develop SDMKD software is concluded and discussed.


