
Comparision of the Height Accuracy Obtained from EFP Bundle Adjustment and Forward Intersection Using Simulation Space Photogrammetric Data

  • 摘要: 首先对文献2中的EFP法光束法平差的数学模型作了必要的修改,然后利用模拟数据按EFP法进行光束法平差。试验中,按外方位元素不同的精度分别计算了光束法平差与直接前方交会高程精度,并进行了比较分析。结果表明,即使外方位元素达到很高的精度,光束法平差依然必要。


    Abstract: In this paper,the mathematic model of the EFP bundle adjustment in reference 2 is necessarily modified firstly,then the EFP bundle adjustment is processed using mathematic simulation data.In the experiment,according to the variant of the exterion orientation elements,the height accuracy of the bundle adjustment and only the forward intersection are calculated respectively and compared.The conclusion is that the exterion orientation elements have quite high accuracy,even though the bundle adjustment is necessary.


