Spread Spectrum Watermark Based on Wavelet Transform for Digital Image
摘要: 从信息论的角度,将载体图像看作信道,水印看作信号,设计了基于小波变换的扩频水印算法。水印信号经过伪随机序列调制频率被扩展后嵌入图像的小波变换域,当大部分频带被干扰,水印信号还可以由其他小部分频率信息恢复,而且水印信号的抽取不需要原始载体图像。试验表明,该算法鲁棒性好,对JPEG压缩、中值滤波、高斯噪声等攻击有较好的抵抗能力;嵌入水印后不易被察觉。Abstract: In this paper,we propose to insert a watermark into the spectral components of the data using techniques analogous to spread sprectrum communications,hiding a narrow band signal in a wideband channel.The watermark is difficult for an attacker to remove.It is also robust to common signal and geometric distortion such as JPEG compression cropping and scaling.