An Efficient Algorithm for Intersection,Union and Difference Between Polygons
摘要: 以周培德的Z54算法为参考,提出了一种简单多边形交、并、差运算算法——IBO算法。该算法能够处理二维现实世界中的各种情况,对于地理信息系统的空间分析有较好的应用价值。Abstract: By the reference of the Z5-4 algorithm developed by Zhou Peide,the paper presents an algorithm for intersection,union and difference between simple polygons,which is named IBO algorithm.In the algorithm,the result polygon is tracked according to the spatial relation between the edge of one polygon and another polygon.The algorithm is valid for all the cases in the real two-dimensional world and has high efficiency.It is applicable in spatial analysis of geographic information system.