
A Three-Dimensional Method for Checking the Antenna Phase Center Bias of GPS Receiver

  • 摘要: 根据GPS接收机天线相位中心的几何关系,在超短基线相对定位法的基础上,利用旋转天线,结合精密水准测量,给出了一种天线相位中心偏差三维检验的方法。实例表明,该方法具有较高的精度和可靠性,适合于在野外对GPS接收机天线相位中心偏差进行实际检定。


    Abstract: On the basis of the relative positioning method and the revolving method,by using the precise leveling,a new method is put forward for examining the antenna phase center three-dimensional bias of GPS receiver with the geometric relation of the antenna phase centers and the mini baseline.The examples and results show that the antenna phase center bias of the same type of GPS receivers is close to the homology,and the difference in vertical heft is up to millimeters.Those of the different type receiver antennas have much more differences.


