
Networked Smart Sensor and Its Plug & Play Interface Design

  • 摘要: 针对网络环境下的信息获取,提出了采用网络化智能传感器的设计思想,以实现传感器的即插即用功能。围绕传感器在线辨识、参数修正,采用电子数据表单(TEDS)方式对传感器的生产厂家、日期、校准参数等传感器特征属性进行描述,并给出传感器网络化的拓扑结构、校准模型和数字接口(包括软、硬件)的实现方法。


    Abstract: Information technology consists of three divisions:information acquisition,information processing and information transmission.But the first is laying far behind the other two.Nowadays,information acquisition in network environments is an important research area and the sensor networked interface technology is one of the key problems.A smart transducer network consisting of a set of transducer nodes with digital bus is introduced in this paper.The design idea is based on IEEE1451 transducer interface standards.Some requirements,such as`plug-and-play' capability,system integration and dynamic reconfiguration,are described,which is achieved through an`transducer electronic data sheet'(TEDS) in our networked transducer module.The TEDS contains fields that fully describe the type,operation,and attributes of one or more transducers and its data formats are defined.It specifies a digital interface to access this data sheet,read sensor data and set actuators.A set of reading and writing logic functions to access the`transducer electronic data sheet' and transducers are defined.We also outlines the implementation of an IEEE 1451.2 compatible interface on microprocessor including system structure,calibration module and digital interface.


