A Regional Adaptive Segmentation Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image
摘要: 提出了一种区域自适应的标记分水岭分割方法。该方法利用高斯低通滤波和概率统计相结合的方法,对梯度影像进行区域自适应阈值分割,提取分割标记,然后采用Meyer算法进行标记分水岭分割。实验结果表明,该算法能够有效解决遥感影像不同区域的分割问题,达到比较理想的水平。Abstract: Marker-based watershed segmentation can effectively overcome the problem of over-segmentation and performs well in most cases.However it may not be suitable for remote sensing images due to the diversity of ground objects in local and regional scale.Regions with different characteristics can not be segmented with the same criteria arbitrarily.We propose regional adaptive watershed segmentation algorithm.First,a regional adaptive threshold image is constructed using the blurred gradient image combined with an evaluated statistic threshold.Then markers are constructed by threshold segmentation of the gradient image.Segmentation result is finally generated with an marker-based watershed segmentation.The algorithm is proved to be effective through a series of experiments including the comparison with the multi-resolution segmentation algorithm used in eCognition.