
From Digital Map to Spatial Information Multi-grid——A Thought of Spatial Information Multi-grid Theory

  • 摘要: 提出了一种既适合网格计算环境又充分考虑到地球空间的自然特征和社会属性的差异性及经济发展不平衡的特点的空间信息表示新方法——空间信息多级网格。阐述了其体系结构,信息表示与数据存取,与传统的各种比例GIS空间数据库之间的数据转换及应深入研究的关键技术,并对其在国家和省市宏观决策中的应用可能性进行了讨论。


    Abstract: Starting from the thinking about the representations of geo-spatial data in computer networks,this paper points out the challenge of grid computing environment to geo-spatial information science and technology.After the review and summation of the achieved progress and existing problems of geo-spatial information systems,the authors propose a new representation method for spatial data and spatial information——the spatial information multi-grid(SIMG),which can not only easily run at grid computing environment,but also properly consider the difference of natural and social characteristics in earth space as well as the different level of economical development in different areas.The system structure,data representation,data storage and data access in SIMG are described with emphasis on key techniques.The data conversion and transferring between SIMG and conventional spatial databases are also discussed.


