
Geography Markup Language Schema Matching Algorithm

  • 摘要: 提出了一个面向空间信息集成的GML模式匹配算法,其核心思想是将GML模式转化成树状结构,通过测度两个树状结构的相似度来判断两个对应模式的匹配程度。在GML规范基础上,给出了GML模式的匹配算法和匹配器结构,并实现了相关算法,进而完成GML文档的集成。


    Abstract: The complexity and richness of spatial data models and geographic information systems (GISs) together with the popularity of WWW have led to an increasing number of heterogeneous and autonomous geo-referenced information sources that spread over Internet.To integrate and publish geographic information, a challenge is to match schemas between two arbitrary GML documents.In this paper, an algorithm for automatic matching of two GML schemas is proposed, in which document schema is first transformed to a tree, and then a similarity formula is introduced to measure the semantic and structural matching degrees of two documents based on the transformed trees.The proposed algorithm is implemented in a running GML-based GIS.


