
Extraction of Hierarchical Skeleton of Areal Object Based on Multivariate Analysis

  • 摘要: 提出并实现了利用长度、走向和分布对骨架线网络边进行多因素评价的算法模型,算法构建了多层次结构化的骨架线,并进一步得到了顾及多因素的最优骨架线。


    Abstract: This paper proposes an algorithm for extracting skeleton network of areal object and organizing it into hierarchical structure based on multivariate analysis. We first extract the primary skeleton network by TIN of the areal object. Then an evaluation model, which is a function incorporating length, angle and position of edges, is set up to get a weight value for each edge of the skeleton network. Finally, a dynamic priming process considering the weights is employed to produce the hierarchical structure.


