
Comparison of InSAR Phase Unwrapping Algorithms and Error Analysis

  • 摘要: 介绍和比较了残差缺口法、最小二乘法和统计耗费网络流算法,并研究了解缠相位误差对DEM和地壳变形的影响。通过理论分析和实际计算发现,无论计算效率还是解缠精度,残差缺口法都优于最小二乘法。统计耗费网络流算法在残差缺口算法基础上又有创新,是一种最具潜力的新型算法。


    Abstract: This paper compares three kinds of phase unwrapping algorithms, residue-cut algorithm, leastsquare algorithm and statistical-cost network-flow algorithm.From the comparison, it can be concluded that Goldstein residue-cut method is superior to the least-squares method, both in calculation efficiency and in unwrapping precision.Lastly, the height error caused by the bias of unwrapped phase is analyzed.


