
Study on the Architecture of GIS Grid

  • 摘要: 就当前WebGIS发展中的空间资源共享问题,结合新兴的网格技术,从网格的角度提出了包括基础网格、空间数据网格、空间信息网格 (狭义)、空间知识网格和空间服务网格在内的GIS网格体系,以期改善Internet上空间资源共享的环境。


    Abstract: This paper develops the architecture of GIS grid, including basal grid, spatial data grid, spatial information grid, spatial knowledge grid and spatial service grid.Spatial data grid is the foundation of spatial information system(narrow sense), spatial knowledge grid and spatial service grid.The uniform management and efficient access of massive, distributed spatial data are studied with emphasis on spatial data grid.Spatial metadata, expression of spatial information, connectivity of spatial information and consistency of spatial information are studied with emphasis on spatial information grid (narrow sense). Organization and management of spatial knowledge are studied with emphsis on spatial knowledge grid. Spatial service grid provides function service for other GIS grid.The uniform management and efficient access of GIS function service are studied with emphasis on spatial service grid.


