基于Monte Carlo方法的不确定性地理现象可视化

Visualization of Uncertainty Geographic Phenomena Based on Monte Carlo Method

  • 摘要: 应用MonteCarlo方法伪随机数模拟表达随机过程现象的数学方法,并结合粒子系统模型提出了一种地理现象空间分布不确定性特征的动画可视化方法。通过栅格单元的随机运动,从视觉上表达现象分布在空间定位、属性特征上的不确定性、模糊性,同时由MonteCarlo方法控制随机过程中现象分布的统计规律。


    Abstract: This paper presents a map animation method to visualize the spatial uncertainty based on Monte Carlo simulation and particle system model.The method can be used in the uncertainty visualization of geographic boundary location and attribute distribution inside polygon region.The algorithm is developed on the basis of pixel random movement including stages of birth, action and death.The description of each pixel in rastermap involves position, movement speed, movement direction, color brightness and life span. The randomization change of these variables enables reader to feel that the attribute distribution is uncertainty within a polygon.Through Monte Carlo simulation method, the number of different color pixels can be controlled consistently with the proportion of corresponding attribute class.


