Study of Three-Tier Frame for Open Representation of Geospatial Data in Web
摘要: 对Web环境下的适合分布式异构地理空间数据表达的地理空间数据模型进行了研究,在此基础上提出了虚拟地图、实体地图以及可视化地图的概念,并分别基于XML、GML以及SVG创建了开放式地理空间数据的三层表达体系,该体系的建立为开放式WebGIS的数据互操作奠定了基础。Abstract: This paper studies the geospatial data model suitable for representation for distributed heterogeneous geospatial data in Web, then proposes the new concepts of virtual map, entity map and visual map.A three-tier frame of open representation for the geospatial data based on XML, GML and SVG is presented, namely the virtual map based on XML, the entity map based on GML and the visual map based on SVG.