
Using Web Storage System for Managing Phase Document of Workflow

  • 摘要: 讨论了一个面向工作流的项目管理系统中,各类计划、实施、监督管理、汇总报表等结构化文档及非结构化文档的存储访问系统的构造方法,并设计与实现了一个数字化测绘生产管理系统实例。


    Abstract: This paper discusses a method for workflow-oriented system constitution which acquire, process, display and store the structural document and non-structural document, such as plans, statistic reports etc.The method uses a n-tier architecture system called web storage system, and accesses or stores those phase documents under the control of various phase workflow.The designing and implementing of a system applied to managing digital products of surveying and mapping with the method is introduced.


