
Airplane Pose Measurement from Image Sequences

  • 摘要: 探讨了一种基于序列影像的飞机姿态获取方法。基于这些影像和运动轨迹,从摄影测量和投影几何的角度出发,深入探讨了利用序列影像对空中飞行的目标进行姿态跟踪测量的方法,并提出了利用广义点反馈迭代的最小二乘方法 (parapointfeedbackiteration,PFI)和模拟影像与真实影像匹配的目标姿态跟踪求解方案。


    Abstract: A method for airplane pose measurement is proposed. During airplane flying, optical-electric phototheodolite has been used to track airplane and at same time acquire image sequence. Based on these images, a method for airplane pose measurement from image sequence is deeply studied from the view of photogrammetry and projective geometry. A novel idea, Parapoint Feedback Iteration, is been presented at first time and used in airplane pose measurement. Experiment results show its high accuracy and reliability.


