
Automatic Implementation of Color Design in Administrative Map

  • 摘要: 分析了政区地图的设色要求,阐述了色彩设计中的对比调和理论,以此为依据设计出相应色环,规定一种间色,在色环中确定这种间色的对比色和类似色的CMY配色值,依据一定的顺序,自动把颜色配置在全国政区图上,并对自动设色和人工设色结果进行了比较分析,表明在可视化环境中,自动设色的地图比没有或仅有较少制图知识的人设计出的地图工效高。


    Abstract: The requisition of color design in administrative map is analyzed, and the color contraction and harmonious theory is expounded. By a rule order, the colors are automatically used in national administrative map. The results of the automatic color design and artificial color design are compared and analyzed. It shows that the results of the automatic color design were better than that of the artificial color design. And base of the experiment, the color schemes for the base map and the administrative map, for the children and adults were discoursed.


