Quantitative Analysis and Abstraction of Topological Relation Between Regions with Broad Boundaries
摘要: 对Cohn等人提出的卵黄模型所确定的宽边界区域的46种拓扑关系及其聚类方法进行了分析,提出了一种定量化方法对这些拓扑关系进行描述,并对这46种拓扑关系进行了抽象。Abstract: Topological relations between regions with broad boundaries are very complicated. It is difficult to distinguish these topological relations by qualitative method. This paper analyzes the 46 topological relations between regions with broad boundaries determined by the "egg-yolk" model proposed by Cohn and others and the clustering of these relations and proposes a quantitative method that can describe these topological relations.