
Problems on Visualization of Spatio-temporal Data

  • 摘要: 就土地利用变化可视化这一实例,对时间序列空间数据可视化的图形关系分析和图形内插等问题进行了深入的研究,得出了土地利用变化中图形关系变化的四种基本形式,并针对这四种基本图形的变化情形研究出了相应的内插策略;在对现有的图形内插算法研究的基础上,提出了基于物理场模型的整体内插算法,该算法能够较好地解决文中的图形内插问题。


    Abstract: After studying on the shape change in a group of spatio temporal data for land use, the authors concludes that there are only four basic types of shape change and the time slices for each case of shape change can be interpolated by curve interpolation and shape interpolation. Thus, a powerful interpolation algorithm for shape interpolation is needed in order to realize the visualization of shape change. The algorithm is able to interpolate for both curve and polygon. The commonly used interpolation algorithm can not achieve this, because it is a local interpolation algorithm. After investigating into the interpolation algorithm deeply, the authors concludes that a global interpolation algorithm based on potential field theory can be used for shape interpolation in the visualization of spatio-temporal data for land use.


