Opportunities for Geomatics
摘要: 从地球空间信息产业和地球空间信息技术发展的前景两个侧面阐述了美国劳工部把地球空间技术与纳米技术、生物技术一起确定为新出现的和正在飞速发展中的三大最重要的技术的原因,并分别从时空信息获取、加工、管理和服务4个方面对地球空间信息未来的技术发展作了简要的叙述。Abstract: From both job prospects and technological development trends of geospatial technology (geomatics), the author describes why earlier in 2004, the US Department of Labor identified geotechnology (i.e.geospatial technology)as one of the three most important emerging and evolving fields, along with nanotechnology and biotechnology.According to spatio-temporal data acquisition, processing, management and information services, the future developments of geomatics are briefly analyzed.