
The Decomposement and Operators Set of Automatic Map Generalization

  • 摘要: 从地图综合对象的本质特征出发,结合地图综合的自身规律,分解了地图自动综合问题。同时,在分析已有地图综合算子的基础上,提出了一套具有完备性的地图综合算子集合,讨论了算子的关联性和有序性。


    Abstract: Automatic map generalization is a complex problem which includes much data analysis. And knowledge is needed in data models operations and their relations. Thus, it is necessary to analyze the method of decomposement and operators set of automatic map generalization for solving this complex problem. In this paper, with respect to the essential characteristic of objective of map generalization and its self-rules, the problem of map generalization is decomposed, and a complete operators set of map generalization is given, based on the analysis of existent operators sets of map generalization. The relationship and rank of operators are discussed.


