
Automatic Precision Registration of Multi-resolution Remote Sensing Imagery

  • 摘要: 在影像数据融合、动态变化监测等遥感影像集成分析和应用中,将来自不同传感器、不同时相获取的影像高精度快速配准是其中的关键技术之一。本文提出了一种不同传感器、不同空间分辨率影像配准的全自动方法,并实际用于SPOT(全色)和TM(多波段)影像的配准,其精度、可靠性和效率等均明显优于传统的人工方法。


    Abstract: The image registration is one of the key points in the integrative analysis of image data. In this paper, a full-automatic method for the registration of remote sensing imagery with different resolutions and/or from different sensors is described. The results applied to SPOT and TM imagery show that the method is much better than the traditional manual approach both in efficiency and accuracy.


