Design and Implementaion of Digital Geospatial Data Framework in China
摘要: 根据当前我国基础地理信息系统的发展态势,较为详尽地讨论了1:1万至1:5万基础地理信息系统的设计思路,提出了地球空间数据框架(DGDF)的概念,即基于数字正射影像和DEM及与若干层矢量框架数据(如大地控制、交通图、水系、境界、行政边界、注记等)的整体集成的栅格-矢量一体化空间数据库,目的在于尽快建立起有活力的和可更新的国家和省级基础地理信息系统。还详尽讨论了建立基础地理信息系统的主要技术路线和数据采集与数据处理的工艺流程。Abstract: In China, the government will establish spatial data infrastructure (SDI). This paper introduces some main ideas for producing and establishing the digital geospatial data framework consisting of digital orthoimage maps, digital elevation models, and vector data including road, water system, boundary of adminstrative division and place name annotation. Then the paper introduces the hardware, software and some requirements for implementing the DGDF.