
Generating Visibility-Shortest-Path Voronoi Diagram with Limited Linear Obstacles

  • 摘要: 对偶生成法和直接修正法是构造可视最短路径Voronoi图的两种基本途径。本文提出了分段剖分、整体剖分和统一剖分的修正思路;放宽了以往修正法中障碍物端点必为生长点的限制,并提出了能有效处理公共边的分簇算法和最适搜索算法,实现了在有限制的线状障碍物下对普通Voronoi图的有效修正,以生成可视最短路径Voronoi图。


    Abstract: In the past few years,the Voronoi spatial data model has attracted more and more attentions. However,the Voronoi tessellations used in the Voronoi spatial data model are ordinary and the obstacles are not taken into account. Modifying ordinary Voronoi diagram with linear obstacles is one of the two basic approaches in generation Voronoi tessellations with obstacles. The authors proposed to aggregate the segmented linear obstacles for forming united partitions. The algorithms and techniques for modifying the ordinary Voronoi tessellations based on these united partitions are discussed further in this paper. The VORDLL is used in the experimental work.


