
Application of Ambizap Algorithm in Large GPS Network and Its Test Results

  • 摘要: 介绍了一种基于非差精密单点定位(PPP)的GPS网处理新算法——Ambizap,利用该算法处理了一个由150个台站组成的GPS同步观测网。处理结果表明,该算法的定位精度比PPP解有所改进,处理效率比多基线网解法有较大提高。该算法在大规模高精度GPS网处理中具有巨大的应用价值。


    Abstract: With the increasing of large GPS networks,The request to rapidly process the synchronous mass GPS data is more and more urgently.In this paper,a rapid algorithm,which is based on zero-difference precise point position(PPP) techniques and more suitable to process large GPS networks—Ambizap,is introduced,its characteristic and realization are studied.The algorithm performance on a test network including 150 GPS stations shows that the precision of Ambizap solution is more higher than that of PPP solution,and the efficiency of Ambizap is more higher than that of multi-baseline method.Ambizap method is of practical value for high precision and large GPS networks.


