
Cadastral Spatio-temporal Database Organization and Query Based on Properties of Land Subdivision

  • 摘要: 通过分析地块变更的时空变化过程,总结出具有父子关系的时态地块的空间相交性和时间相接性特点,归纳出查询这种关系的约束条件。利用扩展时空复合模型和元组时区标记,借助于变更地块的约束条件,设计出查询变更地块的时态链算法。


    Abstract: By analyzing the spatio-temporal process of land subdivision, this thesis sums up the properties of spatio-overlap and time-meet of temporal land parcels, summarizes the spatio constriants and temporal constriants of querying this type of parcels. Based on the extended space-time composite model and tuple time stamp, algorithms that query the chain of spatio-temporal of land subdivision are designed in term of the condition of constriants.


