A Simple and Practical GPS Network Adjustment Method
摘要: 采用数值微商求偏导数的方法,从而使GPS网平差的计算模型非常简洁。选用平面坐标和大地高作为平差参数,可以方便地简化为平面网或高程网,加入地面归心数据和常规观测数据也变得十分容易。对旋转角大的地方独立坐标系,提出了处理办法。经对实测数据的处理,证明了模型的正确性。Abstract: The numerical partial derivative is introduced to simplify the GPS network adjustment model. And the plane coordinates and geodetic heights are selected as adjustment parameters to make the GPS post network adjustment model easily changed to plane or height network. Additional observables can alse be readily introduced. The solution to networks with big rotation angle is also given. The model is verified with real observation data.