
Urban Land Classification and Evaluation Based on GIS

  • 摘要: 根据城镇土地定级估价的工作特点,研究基于GIS技术的城镇土地定级估价方法。在较为系统地分析了我国现行城镇土地定级估价方法的基础上,提出了在GIS支持下进行城镇土地定级和基准地价评估的基本方法和步骤,并以ArcCAD为支撑软件,进行了城镇土地定级估价软件的设计研制。用于自动完成定级估价因素/子分值计算。土地级别确定、基准地价测算及成果输入等,并以浙江城镇为例进行了应用实验。


    Abstract: According to the characteristics of urban land classification and evaluation and Geographic information System,this paper applies GIS to the field of urban land classification and evaluation.On the basis of analysing the current methods of urban land classification and evaluation,the author develops the basic methods and steps of urban land classification and evaluation based on GIS,and designs software of urban land classification nad evaluation based on ArcCAD,the software can automatically completes calculating factor score,determining land.class,calculating base price,outputing results and ect.


