
Land Suitability Evaluation Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Judgement

  • 摘要: 在十堰市土地利用现状调查的基础上,针对现有坡荒地,通过对制约土地的自然因素和社会经济条件的综合分析,依照土地质量满足对预定用途要求的程度,采用模糊数学的方法,在计算机上完成了坡荒地的宜农、宜林、宜牧、宜园4个适宜类的评价;同时对宜农地进行了更进一步的讨论。


    Abstract: The suitability evaluation is based on the land use survey in Shiyan area.In the light of the uncultivated hillside fields,major factors concerning physical and social-economic aspects are analysed comprehensively.And then land qualities are matched with the needs of the fixed land uses.Based on this,the four kinds of suitability evaluation,i.e.,suitabilty for cultivation,for forestry,for animal husbandry and for gardening,are completed on computer by using the fuzzy mathematic method.And the suitability for cultivation is discussed in more detail.


