
The E-S-C Transformation Method of Logic Database Design

  • 摘要: 本文提出了一个基于实体-联系模型(ERM)的数据库逻辑设计方法,即由EERM到SERM,SERM到CERM的转换方法,简称H-S-C方法。首先介绍了一个扩充实体-联系模型(EERM),定义了简单实体-联系模型(SERM)及规范实体-联系模型(CERM),然后给出了EERM到SERM,SERM到CERM的等价转换规则。


    Abstract: In this paper,a method of logic database design-E-S-C transformation method is presented, which is based on entity-relationship model. Each step of the method can be implemented by algorithm,which is convenient for developing logic database system. An extended entity-relationship model is discribed,and a simple entity-relationship model and a Canonical entity-relationship model are defined. The transformation rules from extended entity-relationship model to simple entity-relationship model is given, then the transformation rules from simple entity-relationship model to canonical entity-relationship model. An automatic tool of logic database design using E-S-C method has been developed.


