
An Automated Method to Extracting Buildings from the Aerial Images in Consideration of the Noisy of the Surroundings

  • 摘要: 在充分利用房屋影像特征和目标领域知识的基础上,构造了基于方向信息的弱边缘检测、大跨度直线桥线段提取、角点分析与检测、房屋轮廓推理与证实、房屋轮廓修整与表达等关键算法,以控制注意力焦点处理机制和影像级、符号级结合的运算方式,对大比例尺航空影像中的房屋目标进行提取。本文详细地描述了此方法,并给出了在提取被树荫等环境因素干扰的规整平顶、坡顶房屋方面所取得的效果。


    Abstract: An automated method to extracting buildings from the large-scale aerial images is proposed. Based on the image features and object domain knowledges of the buildings,the five key algorithms are developed:orienation based weak edges detection,straight lines extraction by the overcrossing bridge manner,corner analysis and detection,contour reasoning and.verification,contour modification and representation.In this paper,the strategy of "focus of attention", which is often used in the field of Al,is utilized to control and organize the extracting process. Considering the efficiency and flexibility of the method,the symbol operating is integreted with the image operating.The remarkable processed results are lastly obtained that the method can be capable of extracting the flat or slope roofs type of the buildings interfered with the surroundings noisy such as the Shades of trees.


