
The Adjustable Microstep-driven System of the Step-motor Controlled by the Single-chip Computer with the Frequency Fixing PWM

  • 摘要: 本文介绍所研制的由MCS-51单片机控制的步进电机定频脉宽调制可变细分驱动系统。该系统采用单电压驱动。配有软件。在不改变硬件电路的前提下.通过键盘操作,可以改变细分数。系统采用数字式定频脉宽调制技术,直接对细分电流进行反馈控制。最后提出了用实验确定均匀细分电流状态字的新方法,并验证了其可行性。


    Abstract: The frequency fiaing pulse width modulation and adjustable microstep-driven system is discussed. The system of the step-motor was controlled by the MCS-51 single-chip computer. The system is single-voltase driving. The system is confisurated the proprietary software. On the same hardware supporting,the numbers of the microstep can be changed by operating the keyboad. The system applies the technology of the digital frequency fixing PWM and the feedback control of the microcurrent. At the last, the articl brings up the new mothed which determins the state words of the equal-micro-step current by the experiments. The feasibility of this mothed is proved by the experiments.


