
Entropy and the Uncertainty Interval

  • 摘要: 测量平差问题中,讨论观测量和参数估值时引入熵及熵意义上不确定度区间的概念,并论证了不确定度区间作为评定精度的指标的可行性,进而提出以不确定度区间作为假设检验的置信区间,避免了选取显著性水平α时的非客观因素的影响。给出了t分布,x2分布、F分布不确定度区间的计算公式及相应的数表。


    Abstract: The concept of entropy and the uncertainty interval is introduced. The feasibility of the uncehainty interval used as an index of precision and as confidence interval in ststistical test is discussed. At last the formulas and tables of the entropy and the uncertainty interval of t-,X2-,F- distribution is given.


