
Estimation of Variance and Covariance Components for GPS Baseline Network by MINOUE Method

  • 摘要: 本文应用最小范数二次无偏估计(MINQUE)理论,研究了GPS基线向量网在椭球面上进行三维平差时的方差和协方差分量的估计问题。从理论上提出了方差—协方差模型的选取原则。并从实践中总结出了同时估计基线之长度、方位、高差的固定方差分量和比例方差分量的交替估计方法。通过大量的实例计算和分析,证明这-方法是有效的。


    Abstract: This paper studies the eatimation of variance and covariance components for GPS baseline network by MINQUE method. The fundamental rule to select variance—covariance model has been presented, and the alternative algorithm which simulaneously estimate fixed variance components and scalled variance components of the distance, azimuth and geodetic height difference for a GPS baseline vector has been developed.


