
The Graphs Software of the National Information Management System of Surveying and Mapping

  • 摘要: 全国测绘资料档案管理系统(SMIS)是一个集数据、文字、图形三类信息为一体的信息管理系统。本文主要介绍SMIS里图形软件的设计思想和实现技术。图形软件不仅实现了全国测绘的某些资料、档案和成果信息的图形显示及硬拷贝输出,还为用户查询信息及业务管理提供了良好的图形接口,极大地方便于用户的使用;除此之外,该图形软件还能提供某些直观的统计图给领导部门作为决策依据。


    Abstract: SMIS is a Management Information System which processes data,texts and graphs simultaneously. This paper aims to describe the designing idea and techniques of the grapjhic software of SMIS. This graphic software can not only output the information of data, archives and results of surveying and mapping in graph,but also supply good graphic inter-face with which a user can retrieve and manager information conveniently; Besides, the graphic software can provide some statistic graphs which can serve as decisive bases of lead-ing department.


