The Design and Implementation of the National Information System of Surveying and Mapping
摘要: 本文介绍了全国测绘资料档案管理系统SMIS的主要功能、设计思想与实现方法。重点叙述了SMIS的系统结构,测绘资料档案综合数据库的设计,测绘资料档案多途经检索与提供、图形及数据交换接口程序的实现原理。文中还提出了一种新的索引地图检索方法,该方法适用于任何具有地理分布特征的信息管理领域。Abstract: This paper describes the main functions,design and implementation of The Nation-al Information System of Surveying and Mapping,centring on the system structure,database design,and programming method of retrieval and service,graph and data exchange. It pro-vides a new information retrieval method called as INDEXING MAP that can be applied to any information management system with geographical distributed features.